Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My dilemma regarding dishwasher detergent...

I have this dilemma regarding my dishwasher detergent... If I use eco-friendly detergent (as I do for all of the other cleaning products in my house), my dishes don't get clean and also there is a moldy substance that starts to grow over time IN the dishwasher. Can't be good. Also, it's annoying that my dishes don't get clean with the eco-friendly detergent. I then have to use more water (a waste) and other detergent (another waste) and my own time and energy, all because I don't want to use a detergent that has phosphates.

Well, I have to say this is the one area I have succumbed to using the more powerful phosphate added detergent. I hate it and I am not willing to use more water and more soap and my time and energy RE-CLEANING my dishes. If it were one or two dishes, I could handle that, but it's several.

So, there you go. This is my dilemma.