I love composting. What could be better? You cut up fruit and veggies and the scraps go in the compost. You make eggs and the shells go in the compost. The more difficult aspect of it is moving the indoor compost to the outdoor compost. We are currently going on our second indoor compost. I wonder when it will be the right time to trudge outdoors and empty the ceramic compost bin and the almost full bag that sits next to the ceramic bin into the outdoor bin. This is my husband's job, not mine. It's the gross part, that's why it's my husband's job.
Actually everything having to do with the compost once the veggies, fruit scraps, egg shells and coffee grounds move into any kind of bin, it falls into my husband's domain. I feel strongly about composting, and recycling -- as long as it is easy and clean. I suppose if I didn't have an aversion to worms, it might be easier to take on the outside stuff. I will trudge outside from time to time, don't get me wrong, but still infrequently. I don't like being grossed out. Yep, I'm a city girl, just trying to do the right thing. As my sister recently told me, "I don't want to be a farmer". Her husband is trying to slowly turn her into one...they have chickens and he has dug up part of her flower garden to plant more vegetables.
I wonder how it will be when it comes time to put "nature's gold" onto our plants to help them thrive, to feed them the magical food. This will be officially the first season where we will distribute the magical food. I suppose when I start reaping the rewards of the "gold", when I have beautiful flowers and lots of vegetables growing.
Composting is easy...and fun when you get right down to it...and I love knowing that I am doing something that is actually helping the ground and micro-organisms that live in my gardens. Have at it little guys! Just don't creep and crawl around me when I'm gardening...it freaks me out.
Actually everything having to do with the compost once the veggies, fruit scraps, egg shells and coffee grounds move into any kind of bin, it falls into my husband's domain. I feel strongly about composting, and recycling -- as long as it is easy and clean. I suppose if I didn't have an aversion to worms, it might be easier to take on the outside stuff. I will trudge outside from time to time, don't get me wrong, but still infrequently. I don't like being grossed out. Yep, I'm a city girl, just trying to do the right thing. As my sister recently told me, "I don't want to be a farmer". Her husband is trying to slowly turn her into one...they have chickens and he has dug up part of her flower garden to plant more vegetables.
I wonder how it will be when it comes time to put "nature's gold" onto our plants to help them thrive, to feed them the magical food. This will be officially the first season where we will distribute the magical food. I suppose when I start reaping the rewards of the "gold", when I have beautiful flowers and lots of vegetables growing.
Composting is easy...and fun when you get right down to it...and I love knowing that I am doing something that is actually helping the ground and micro-organisms that live in my gardens. Have at it little guys! Just don't creep and crawl around me when I'm gardening...it freaks me out.
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