Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm thinking about growing lettuce.  I really have no idea what it will entail...need to do some research.  I just read a quick paragraph and got compeletly enthralled with it.  It seems totally possible, but I've been a bit nervous about it.  How cool would it be though to have a ready supply of lettuce to eat?  Fresh salad, that seems such a luxury, but really, when you think about it, what is the luxury is spending the money to buy it at the market and then have it go bad time after time in the refrigerator because you didn't eat it fast enough.

Hunter, my 3 year old, would love it too.  He loves eating salads to begin with, but the thought of him getting to pick the lettuce would be very exciting to him I think.  Supposedly you can grow lettuce in just a weeks time.  Again, I have to do some research for growing it here in hot Atlanta, but I know it's do able.

Yay!  I'm excited!!  Here's the ideal picture of what I want it to look like.  I stole this picture from Gwenyth Paltrow's blog called GOOP which is by the way, an awesome blog...check it out...

Have a great day!  I'm going to go discover what it takes to grow lettuce!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hate that I live in a covenant controlled neighborhood, I would have all ready made my backyard a huge garden! Am thinking I may try to do it on the sides of the house next year mixed in with some landscaping!
